
“In the 13 years that God has called me to serve through Horseplay, I have seen countless examples of His grace at work in the youth and His wisdom at work in Tami.  Each child that God brings to Horseplay has different challenges and gifts, though many times, those gifts are yet to be unearthed. The Holy Spirit at work in our time together transforms these young lives from bitterness, anger, fear, and guilt into lives reflecting hope, peace, and love.

For example, a youth that we are working with together has made a huge transformation in the few weeks that we have spent together. He often puts himself down with self-depreciating humor and negative comments, but it is a joy to see him recognize his value and we pray that he will find his eternal value in Jesus Christ.”


Dan's about.








God is SO good! Going into my third year with Horseplay, I can honestly say that God not only works wonders in the hearts and lives of the youth He brings into this place but He also works wonders in the hearts and lives of those who work and volunteer in this ministry. Matthew 18:3-5 (NKJV) says: Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." It never ceases to amaze me some of life's lessons I learn from these amazing young people! To see the hand of our Savior working into the lives of these precious youth, is not only encouraging and exciting, It is humbling. Mark 9:42 minces no words when it says: "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea." Wow. Because these young lives are so precious to our Creator, shouldn't they be to us as well? Bringing the truth of the Cross and hope in a risen Savior to a young and hurting generation is something not to be taken for granted. It is a privilege. I can only imagine how far beyond the lives touched here at Horseplay the hand of God's goodness stretches. Be encouraged as God uses this ministry to build up, encourage and equip young lives to know that the love of Jesus surrounds them and will give them strength and courage when they surrender their lives to Him. Please pray that God equips His saints to bring the message of salvation clearly to each young person that enters through the barn doors of Horseplay, that those hearts would be softened to receive The Truth and that the needs of Horseplay and these families would be met. All honor and glory to God - Amen!  


Levi's about.









It is an honor to watch hearts be opened, softened, and transformed at the ranch.  It is a place of refuge where vulnerability feels safe.  The visible lessons taught with the horses provide a picture of how much God loves each of us.   Each week as youth take care of the horses, they get a glimpse of the hurts and fears they are carrying in their own hearts.  They discover what may be holding them back from believing they are worthy of love.  With God's help, they can learn to accept unconditional love and then offer love to others.  Time at the ranch takes me back to my own surrender to Christ.  It is an honor to offer up silent prayers as I witness what God is revealing and transforming each week.









"I've had the joy of watching Horseplay grow since it's very beginnings, when the ministry was just a horse, a kid, and a field.  It's been amazing to see the work God has done through the horses and other farm animals to help hurting youth.  There is a peace here at Horseplay that only Jesus can cultivate, and the youth definitely can feel it.  

One of my favorite teaching tools to watch the kids through during their time here is the trust exercise.  They are required to sit in the center of a round pen and wait there with their horse until the horse chooses them.  There's no bribing the horse with treats or goodies, it's just the slow building of relationship and trust.  I believe it's an awesome reminder of how the Lord is patient with us; He doesn't bribe us to Him, but waits lovingly for us to come to Him."


"I see a safe and happy place where people are lovingly introduced to Jesus. In the mix are very cool animals which add so much fun, enjoyment and learning. "


Stan's about.